Pay via any of your bank accounts while taking advantage of auto-reconciliation

Pay via any of your company’s bank accounts. Supports all Indian banks whether private or public. Enjoy instant bank reconciliation with your ERP.
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Safe and secure. Compliant with RBI guidelines & IndAS
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Safe and secure. Compliant with RBI guidelines & IndAS
Trusted by more than 3000 companies
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The Problem Today

Companies use multiple bank accounts & reconciliation is painful

Funds are moved into and out of multiple company bank accounts to make a single payment. Reconciling bank account statements with your ERP is a manual and time consuming process.

Compliance is ignored

Invoices are rarely checked for compliance issues - struck off PANs, incorrect GST, MSME,
e-invoice checks and more.

No central database

Invoices and vendor data is distributed, and often inaccessible when required for audits and future reference.

Unreliable OCR systems

Legacy OCR scanning only offers about 65% accuracy, reducing trust in the system and leaving invoices to be checked manually.
The Problem Today

AP teams spend 100s of hours booking invoices

This is not only a waste of time and productivity, but many a times the invoice booking process has compliance loopholes, uses outdated technology and there is no central storage system for audit readiness and future reference.

Compliance is ignored

Invoices are rarely checked for compliance issues - struck off PANs, incorrect GST, MSME,
e-invoice checks and more.

No central database

Invoices and vendor data is distributed, and often inaccessible when required for audits and future reference.

Unreliable OCR systems

Legacy OCR scanning only offers about 65% accuracy, reducing trust in the system and leaving invoices to be checked manually.

Juggling of funds

Funds are kept in Account A of Bank B. But payment to the vendor needs to be made from Bank C.

Banks don’t talk to your ERP

Some banks have H2H integrations. They’re complex, time consuming to set up. Further, each account needs its own integration.

Reconciling is a pain

Reconciling bank statements with your ERP is a manual, time consuming and error prone task.

Multi-bank payments with reconciliation built for large Indian enterprises

Multi-bank Support

Stop juggling funds around to make a single vendor payment

Fund the clearing account with any of your company’s bank account. Supports all Indian banks in a safe and compliant manner.
Clearing account

Simply transfer funds to your CashFlo clearing account and pay via the same

Transfer funds to the clearing account from any number of your company’s bank accounts. Choose the payments you want to make via the CashFlo portal. Then pay vendors with the click of a button.
Safe and secure

Your funds are safe and secure at all times, fully compliant with RBI guidelines and IndAS

Payments are cleared instantly. In the odd chance of payment failure, funds are reversed to your original account by end of day.
CashFlo is processing 1000s of crores in payments each year, for India’s biggest corporates across all their bank accounts
Tier 1 Banks

A strong basis for the clearing account is everything. So funds are always safe

The clearing account is housed in Tier 1 Indian banks, providing unparalleled compliance and safety at all times.
ERP & WMS Sync

Powerful ERP & WMS Sync for all your payments. Works with all ERPs

Instantly sync every single payment with SAP, SAP B1, Ohana, Oracle, MS Dynamic and many more ERPs.
Unlock the potential of your finance team & boost productivity 10x. Let us show you how.
Book a free demo

Understanding Multi-Bank Payments & How It Impacts Your Business

Multi-bank payments involve managing transactions across multiple bank accounts, offering businesses a strategic advantage in financial operations. By utilizing multi-bank payments, companies can optimize cash flow, ensuring funds are available where they are needed most, reducing the risk of overdrafts and improving liquidity.

This approach also enhances payment efficiency by streamlining processes, allowing faster and more accurate transactions across different accounts. Moreover, it mitigates risk by diversifying financial resources, ensuring business continuity even if one bank faces issues. Overall, multi-bank payments provide greater flexibility, security, and control, directly impacting your business's financial health and operational efficiency.

How Multi-Bank Payments Work: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1 - Bank Account Integration: Multi-bank payment systems integrate with all your bank accounts, centralizing transaction management and enhancing bank account managements

Step 2 - Payment Processing: Payments are processed through the optimal account based on balance and transaction type, ensuring efficient payment processing and cash flow.

Step 3 - Automated Reconciliation: Post-payment, the system uses automated payment workflows to match transactions with accounts, simplifying bank reconciliation and reducing errors.

Step 4 - Transaction Tracking: Real-time transaction tracking allows for seamless monitoring and management of payments across multiple accounts.

Step 5 - Security and Compliance: The system ensures secure payment processing and adherence to financial regulations, guaranteeing that all transactions are safe and compliant.
Benefits of Multi-bank payments 
Enhanced Cash Flow Management

Multi-bank payments allow businesses to optimize cash flow by distributing payments across multiple bank accounts. This ensures better liquidity management, as funds can be drawn from the most favorable accounts, reducing the risk of overdrafts and enhancing financial flexibility.

Improved Payment Efficiency

By leveraging multi-bank payments, companies can streamline the payment process, enabling faster and more accurate transactions. This reduces the administrative burden of managing payments across different accounts and enhances overall operational efficiency.

Risk Mitigation and Security

Multi-bank payments reduce the reliance on a single bank, spreading risk across multiple businesses. This diversification not only enhances financial security but also ensures that payments can continue smoothly even if one bank experiences issues.

Common Challenges with Multi-Bank Payments and Solutions

1. Complex Reconciliation Processes: Managing multiple bank accounts can complicate bank reconciliation and be time-consuming. Use automated reconciliation tools and automated financial workflows to ensure accuracy and save time.

2. Increased Risk of Errors: Payments across various accounts increase error risks. Implement transaction tracking and secure payment processing to reduce mistakes, while leveraging financial automation and bank account integration for accuracy.

3. Coordination Across Accounts: Coordinating payments across banks can be inefficient. Address this by using financial automation software and multi-bank transfer solutions that integrate with your financial tools for smooth, efficient payments.

Multi-Bank Payments with Reconciliation for Large Enterprises

1. Simplified Vendor Payments:Eliminate the hassle of juggling funds across multiple accounts for a single vendor payment.

2. Centralized Fund Management:Easily transfer funds to your CashFlo clearing account and manage all payments from one secure location.

3. RBI-Compliant Security:Ensure your funds are always safe and secure with full compliance to RBI guidelines.

4. Robust Clearing Account Foundation:Rely on a strong, secure clearing account to guarantee the safety of your funds at all times.

5. Seamless ERP & WMS Integration:Experience powerful synchronization with your ERP and WMS systems, ensuring smooth payment operations across all platforms.

Effortlessly Pay from Any Bank Account with Auto-Reconciliation.

1. Flexible Payments: Choose from any linked bank account, offering seamless bank account integration for financial flexibility.

2. Automatic Reconciliation: Use automated payment workflows and tools to reduce time spent on manual bank reconciliation.

3. Simplified Accounting: Financial automation software matches payments with transactions, minimizing errors through secure payment processing.

4. Enhanced Control: Manage cash flow with efficient bank account management and multi-bank integration, ensuring smooth transaction tracking.

5. Effortless Management: Utilize financial management tools integrated with existing systems for efficient bulk payment processing and reconciliation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What challenges come with multi-bank payments?
How can I manage reconciliation with multi-bank payments?
Is it secure to use multi-bank payments?
Can multi-bank payments integrate with my existing financial systems?
How do multi-bank payments improve cash flow?
What tools are needed for multi-bank payments?
Can multi-bank payments be used for bulk payment processing?

Power your corporate finance team with CashFlo

Speak to an expert from our team to see how CashFlo can help you automate and elevate your corporate finance function
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